Our Features
Features that are tailored according to your business needs for best work
experience and better performance.
Align your Tasks and Stay Calm
Add or assign tasks, create projects and
streamline your daily business tasks.
You don’t write long and lengthy task details, simply assign tasks over a voice message.
Screen Recording
Explain the clear and brief details of any task by sharing your screen with Gigstimer.
Voice Communication
Now make it easy for you to collaborate with your team member and save your precious time.
Smart Chatbox
Work smartly by communicating with team members easily under the same platform.

See the Progression Anytime, Anywhere
Review team performance, see project details from any
device, anytime and you can also download reports.
Know the trend of employees’ overall projects and know where your business stands.
Get the information of all completed, overdue, and pending tasks in a single view.
Archive Task
Archive your completed task and clear your immediate list with new and updated tasks.
Mention the checklist within the tasks and mark them complete or delete them with just one click.
Focus on Things that Really Matters
Set your workflow, perform the right task at the right
time and stay focused on what comes next.
Mention customized labels & over any task to know about anything in a single view.
Priority level
Select the lowest to the highest priority of any task, so that you can focus on things accordingly.
Apply advanced filters over your task history and stay updated in the way you want.